
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Baptism, Cold Weather & Gumbo...

Wow! What a weekend. With what started out as a miserably yucky Friday night and windy Saturday, today was beautiful! Eli was baptized this morning. It was a beautiful service and Eli was such a doll! He was so sweet, never crying or fussing. All of our grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and sweet friends were able to come and after church, we all came back to the house for gumbo and cake to celebrate this beautiful day.
Thank you to everyone for coming and sharing this special day with us!!

Eli & Daddy in their matching hats.
My two handsome fellas!

Eli waiting so patiently for his cereal wearing Mommy's hat.
 What a doll!

Early Sunday morning waiting for Mommy to get dressed. My turn, Mommy!

Four Generations

It is such a pleasure to always be surrounded by my precious fellas.
I love my handsome gentlemen!

Eli posing with his aunts. Aunt Sarah had to work. We missed you!!! 
Talk about FairyGodmothers! Eli is so lucky!!

Honey LOVED snuggling with Eli's cousin, Sam.
He was so snuggly and adorable.
We were so glad to see you Sam! You are such a DOLL!!!

Aunt Becca is heading back to Colorado on Friday.
We have had so much fun with her this month.
We are going to miss you so much Nannie! **wink wink** See you in April!

Have a great week everyone!!

Monday, January 18, 2010

4 Months

2010 is off to a great start! Forest is super busy with work. They are working towards finishing their project at the LSU Union Theater. I've gone back to work and sweet little Eli has started "school". While the first week was REALLY really tough, we are doing much better. Well, Eli is fine and has been since the first day. Its Momma who is having a hard time. His teachers are so sweet. They love on him and cuddle with him all day. I go to feed him at lunch and can't get back there fast enough after work. It is so funny to see the little ones all lined up in their bouncy seats looking at each other. They are so small but they really do interact with each other!

He loves to play airplane! Super Eli!!!

Eli is really starting to play with his toys.
It is so much fun to watch him explore.

Eli playing and Daddy playing with his new Playstation.
Boys and their toys.

Getting ready for bath time!!!

Eli LOVES to watch Izzie run around.
I can't wait until they can play together!

On Eli's first day of daycare and my first day back at work, Eli's aunts came over at 6:30AM with a latte and muffin for me and a poster for little Eli. What a great send off! Its been really hard for the girls to resist "checking him out" during the day!
We love our Aunts!!!

Relaxing after a warm bath and a long day at school.
Being a baby is hard work!

After our check up, Eli's doctor gave us the green light to start incorporating big boy food. We started with a little rice cereal. It was so funny to watch his facial expressions as he tried to decide if he liked it or not.

Hey! This isn't so bad!

I think I'm getting the hang of it!

Enough Momma! Where is my milk?!?!?!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Years 2010

Happy New Year

Eli was such a great helper picking out new
SHOES at the New Years Day sale.

Eli LOVES to take a bath.

Eli had a good time hanging out with Bubbie and watching football.
Too bad the Tigers didn't have a better game!

Mr. Baby Blues

Good luck hunting!!!
Maybe I can go next time Daddy!

Millie & Eli

Becca & Eli

Catching some ZZZZZZZs.

We're so glad Becca is here for the whole month
of January before she heads back to Colorado!

Honey Loves Handsome, Honey Loves Handsome.