Can you believe tomorrow is December 1??? Another month of 2009 behind us. Its hard to imagine life this time last year. We had no idea of the amazing and life changing adventure the new year would bring. Every day of the past 10 1/2 weeks has been like a dream. It has gone by so fast. Too fast. Eli is growing, growing, and growing. At his two month check up, he weighed 14 lbs and was 24 1/2 inches long. He was such a trooper when it came time for his shots, but it just about broke my heart. He was so sweet and happy lying on the table cooing and smiling. He had no idea what was about to happen when the nurse came into the room. I think that may have been the first time we've seen real alligator tears. :( Forest is busy, busy, busy with work. The union theater is progressing beautifully and they will probably finish the job in March. When he isn't working, he is in hunting season mode. As we speak he is busy packing and prepping for his trip this weekend. While sleeping in tents in the freezing cold with no conventional plumbing for miles isn't my idea of fun, it is right up Forest's alley. He can't wait for the day he gets to bring little Eli with him! He killed a buck a few weeks ago. *
Fingers crossed* he'll have a great hunt this weekend!
I just love being a mom. It is the most amazing, most challenging, most rewarding thing I have ever done and its only just begun. I spend my days staring at my precious little love and still can't believe he is finally here. The past couple of months have been wonderful, but all good things must come to an end. I'm going back to work on December 14th. Since Eli can't go to First Steps until January 4th, Honey is going to keep him for us. I'm sure you can imagine the arm twisting that took! *
wink wink* It has been so wonderful sharing these weeks with my mom. While I couldn't imagine us being any closer, I guess I've developed a new appreciation for her. She has been so helpful, supportive, and giving. We've laughed, we've cried, we've shared moments that I will treasure for the rest of my life. On that note, I have to also give koodos to my precious hubbie! He has embraced my mother whole heartedly and allowed her to share in these best of days with us. Whether it was renaming our guest room "Honey's room" or encouraging me to go to Alexandria for a week, he has been amazing and I will treasure every second of these past weeks. Oh! Thank you to Bubbie too! Thank you for giving up your wife and embracing bachelorhood while she's been with us.

We finally found a swing that Eli likes! Yeah!! He loves it!

We spent Thanksgiving this year with the Russell side of the family. This is the first time in many, many years EVERYONE has been together. It was a wonderful day and we really enjoyed introducing Eli to his extended family. Thank you sooooo much to Uncle Keith and Aunt Tina for hosting all of us! It was a perfect day!