
"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Hebrews 11:1

Saturday, March 20, 2010

A boy and his dog...

Happy first day of spring!!
It is so nice to have some beautiful weather again. Eli is now six months old and we are having the time of our lives. He has cut two teeth on the bottom and I think his top teeth are not too far behind. He is so active and loves to watch everything going on around him. He can sit up for short periods of time without falling over and puts everything he can get his hands on in his mouth. I wish I could make time stop. Everything is happening too fast!!

Eli was born with a little bit of blonde blonde hair. It has grown and gotten thicker in the last few months. Here he is with a baby mohawk after his bath.

Mimi (Eli's great grandmother - my mom's mom) had a hip replacement this past week. She is doing great and will be going home tomorrow. We went to visit her this afternoon. Eli provided lots of entertainment. He loves to give the sweetest kisses.

Eli and Forest have the same little "bulb" toes.
Well, Eli's are little & cute. Forest's are..well...really big...but not as cute!

Eli has taken a huge interest in Izzie. He loves her! He'll sit in his walker at the door and strain his neck watching for her to pass by. Izzie will put her frizbee underneath Eli's swing on the patio. We know she is just dying for Eli to pick it up and throw it for her.
One day, Izzie, one day.

Eli LOVES his swing on the patio. We had to turn it around so that he could watch Izzie catching her frizbee. He giggles and laughs and could probably stay in that swing for hours!

Thanks for hanging my swing, Daddy! Love you!

Talk about a perfect Friday evening. A beautiful sunset, a nice breeze on a warm evening, Van Morrison on the stereo, and Eli taking a cat nap in his swing. He woke up just as I snapped the picture.


  1. He is absolutely adorable!!! What a cutie! And those toes... oh, yes those are definitely Forest's baby toes!!
    I'm so happy he has Izzie to grow up with- that is a gift! I love the photo of Izzie trying to give Eli the frizbee... too, too sweet! They will be the best buds.
    Love all the photos of your handsome boy!!

  2. It is too bad no one loves that baby boy! hehehe He is positively scrumptious! He is a perfect blend of you and Forest and yes he does have Forest's toes! So funny!

    Love you all (including Izzie)

    Great Susan
